Mike McCloskey
Founder and CEO
of HumanLytics Team.

As the former VP of operations and Director of Learning for globally recognized companies, I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of amazing teams over the years. Trust, collaboration, and that unstoppable feeling - it’s magic. So, how do you design a winning team to drive results? Is it more about raw talent or chemistry? How do you scale that design across the organization so productivity soars and your culture thrives? I love teaching and sharing the talent optimizing skills and assessments that help our clients achieve their strategic plans.


+(800) 406-7996




Lori Wieters
Chief Science Officer

Kaleigh Williams
Director of Learning
& Development

Lindsay R. Perez, M.A., Ph.D.
Industrial/Organizational Psychologist

Kelly Jefferson
Certified Life &
Business Coach

Tara Mogan Blom MMC
Communications Strategist
& Coach

Dr. Mark Stone
Consultant &

Dr. Katherine Wenzlau
Motivational Coach
& Mentor

Sandy Hatfield Clubb
Intercollegiate Athletics

W. Craig Gilliam
Organizational Consultant
& Coach

Melanie Legamaro
Branding Strategist
& Business Coach

Shawn Dodd
Social Media Marketing Expert

Matt Lehrman
Civility & Community Engagement Expert

Chris Gott

Cathryn Baker

Dr. JD Myers
Cyber Security and Military Transition Expert

Dr. Jason E. Glenn